Earlier this year I had a real treat working on a book with Ori Hellerstein, Artisan Baker. Publisher Nick Eddison from Eddison Sadd Editions left me pretty much on my own with a regular exciting delivery of fresh bakery produce from Ori and a modest but adequate styling budget. With food like this who needs a mass of props! Just the right ones which Jo Harris sensitively sought- out for us. We had fun with this shot. Ori remembers when he was a child buying bagels with twists of a pungent green spice called Za'atar (actually ground hyssop - a new one on me, exciting!) from a man with a donkey, so when we found this picture in the paper it simply had to be included (kitsch or not!!)
The icing on the cake (!) was two days shooting at the bakery near Stroud and watching the (very charming) Ori ply his craft - post to follow.
The book is due to be published in September. Watch this space!
I don't photograph a lot of drinks so when Design Happy asked me to do a shoot for Edgerton Pink Gin and some summery cocktails made with it, it made a refreshing change - literally. The bottle was a tricky one, clear with the pink gin and white writing on the front but the cocktails were great fun to shoot. In order to represent the colour properly we used all real ingredients (OK the bubbly was a bit cheap but - hey...) and of course we felt duty-bound to sample the end-products. I am very happy to recommend it!